SEA Success with Allegori and CTS COLLEGE!

help your child stay focused & improve academic performance.
Attend a Free Info Session on Thurs 4th Feb, 6:00PM to learn more!

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We at allegori are excited for this collaboration with CTS college. We both believe in the value of the student experience and wellbeing in the education process. We are commited to bringing neuroscience and data to education and we are happy to have such a partner.

Here's what to expect at the WEbinar:

How to prepare for exams using neuroscience
Focus, Stress and Exam Anxiety
Training the Brain & the focus clinic
Brain training benefits
Focus clinic success stories

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CTS College

Science in education is now acessesible to you and we are proud to bring this to all our students. OUR new collaboration with Allegori now brings the Focus Clinic as part of its Student Support Services.

This service is geared toward students that are preparing for examinations such as SEA, CXC, mid-terms etc. The Focus Clinic can help students that have difficulty focusing to improve their cognitive and academic performance while reducing mental fatigue, exam stress and anxiety. 

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keevo's results



what's included
in the sleep suite?

neurotraining for
Setting the right brain state for Quality sleeP
Reducing running thoughts
Reducing sleep interruptions
Reducing time to sleep

Temperature regulation
Setting body temperature for sleep

Sleep Tracking
You will get your own sleep tracker to monitor your sleep quality


now available through cts college

Over 3000 hours of training experience

We teach students how to regulate their brain activity to measurably improve their focus and academic performance.

In 2020 we had all of our SEA students pass for their first choice.
We are super proud of them. Some of them went from 40% to 96% and finished thier exams with as much as 30 mintues to spare.

sign up for free webinar

See that on her head?

That's an eeg device. this allows you and your child to see their brain activity visualised in real-time.

We then teach how to regulate their brain activity to measurably improve their focus.

It's all about the data so there is no guess work.

All this and more will be available to your child at CTS COLLEGE.

Sign up for free webinar

i am concerned that my child may have adhd

Allegori has helped hundreds of children manage ADHD and even end their reliance on medication.

We will discuss in our session how your child can get focussed and most importantly resist distractions to ace their exams.

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Sign up for our free webinar here

CAll now

This session is ideal for parents of:
> Students of all ages preparing for examinations.

> Students that have difficulty focusing over extended periods of time.

> Students wanting to improve their academic performance/grades.

> Students that wish to reduce exam stress and manage anxiety.

> Students that want to improve focus, academic performance and information retention.

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